The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98092   Message #1938331
Posted By: Betsy
16-Jan-07 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: UK Govt to spend Ł10 million on singing
Subject: RE: UK Govt to spend Ł10 million on singing
Well done Mike - I also forgot to say it spawned my enjoyment of a story in a song.
(I've just checked and the words are in Mudcat's Lyrics – unbelievable !)
I was having a pint with VG and asked him (for a laugh) did he remember the song about the Cook with the wobbly eye. He broke into the chorus immediately. Such songs at an early age are great - they show you how to use words, help with your memory and I'm sure there are many other benefits which we cannot directly quantify /identify.
