The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98012   Message #1938451
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
16-Jan-07 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Folksingers, the real deal
Subject: RE: Folksingers, the real deal
well the trad v modernist whinge - probably my fault. Its a songwriters things. you write something and then wonder if anybody else will be interested in singing it.

consider it done.

where exactly would you like the conversation to start?

Try and be specific, about the direction you would like it to take. Where and what and how you gig is for something for everybody to sort out individually. Most of us play, or have played at least semi professionally. And the amateur ones seem to knowe far more about guitars and the sources for songs that we the pros and ex-pros(like myself) do. If we can help, I am sure we will.