The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1939902
Posted By: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill
17-Jan-07 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
What is it that is actually being carried out, bob?
Racist and homophobic assaults?

The main party in the north is both racist and homophobic, and they preach it from the pulpit.

What's that guy's name with the hook?

We've had right-wing extremist clerics like him for years.

See the DUP?
They're the biggest collection of Christian Ayatollahs you will ever have the grave misfortune to meet,

The Loyalists DON'T WANT THEM THERE, bob.
None of them do!

And if the assaults have died down of late, it is only because the ethnic cleansing of the housing estates has worked.
Same way they drove the Catholics out in the '60's & '70's

What I am saying, bob (and with full sincerity, from knowing the situation on the ground) is that it is far from the minority who want this state of affairs.

You can either accept that, or not