The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1939967
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
17-Jan-07 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
Glad to bring something new to those of you that it is. Even if it makes it harder for me to get a connection!

As for announcing the songs they don't seem to have a routine for the DJ's, they do it when they can. and I did email the station about not seeing the song playing on the media player. The response was that they hoped it would be fixed "someday"! They do announce often enough to know I NEED to get a Shanneyganock CD and the Punters seem cool. Cape Brettons Crying is a beautiful song. But it is also a bit of an eye opener about the limitations of the internet search. There have been many song lyrics, mostly from contemporary sounding music that yield nothing. It may say more about the music scene in Atlantic Canada.

This is definitely a commercial station, and now I know where I can go to a seafood buffet to get my Seal Flippers and Cod Tongues.

As for the mix of (white) peoples who populate all of Atlantic Canada it is safe to say it is Irish, Scots and French. (Think Nova Scotia) My wife & I honeymooned in Nova Scotia & PEI 4 years ago and that was the start of my interest in the music of the region. Great Big Sea is my 2nd favorite band in the world (after Jefferson Airplane) We saw 4 bands in bars while we were there and thay all played a mix of tunes much like this station does, and they were so into it!

Ok, enough outa me!
Whack Fall The Day