The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98144   Message #1939993
Posted By: GUEST,Ima Clown!
17-Jan-07 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: Accordion help please
Subject: Accordion help please
Hello Mudcat folks!
I am a professional Clown who is always looking for fun ideas for new routines. I use alot of Music in my clowning, so was getting very big eyes when I saw in a couple of Clown supply catalogs a mini accordion for about $25, a couple of different button styles. I then looked at Lark in the Morning, & they have some that look just the same for about the same money, a kids "cajun" 12 key one for about $5, and also a 17 key piano accordion a little bigger for $57.
I play piano & some other instruments, so I know lots of songs. I would use it for occasionally accompaning myself singing, as I already do with a Ukulele, but I'm really thinking that it would be great for walking around clowning with people, possibly sound effects so it would have to be as light as possible. The local alley (group of professional clowns) would like to start a band, & I think a tiny accordion would be terrific for a Clown band!
   Do they actually work ok-are they really playable? Sound ok? Are they really extremely lightweight so that a weenie arm gal with weak wrists (due to occasional bouts of arthritis & carpal tunnel) could play it while walking around?--I realize that there is no strap around the body as it is too small for that. I'm not interested in getting a larger one, as I know it would be too much for me, & also much more than I can spend. But I allow myself to buy one really nice clown prop each year for $25-$50 & this seems like a great idea.
Do any of you have one of the above mentioned? Is there something else out there with about 1 1/2 to 2 octaves & 2-3-4 bass keys so as to be able to play most songs? It sure would be great to have the I IV & V7 chords.
I also saw that one Button accordian had only 7 or 8 keys on one side, & 2 bass keys on the other, but it is supposed to play 2 octaves--how does that work?
I appreciate all of the advice you can give an old clown! Thank you!