The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1940742
Posted By: GUEST,meself
18-Jan-07 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
"As for the mix of (white) peoples who populate all of Atlantic Canada it is safe to say it is Irish, Scots and French."

There are a great many Atlantic Canadians of English extraction; they just don't get as much press. Or brag as much. Many arrived as Loyalists during and after the American Revolution (as did many of non-English origin, e.g., Dutch, German, African-American). In Nova Scotia in particular, there are many people of German origin; many were brought in as Protestant settlers to counterbalance the numbers of French Catholics, back when such things were thought to matter (i.e., 18th Century).

(Thanks for the link, Nick!).

By the way, for those Canucks with satellite TV, there is a Nfld TV station that plays Newfoundland music for a couple of hours every night, to an ever-changing video presentation of "scenes of Newfoundland". It's really wonderful.