"Links with west coast of England stronger"... ??? (From the British Association for Canadian Studies... oh, I see.)
"There are a great many Atlantic Canadians of English extraction; they just don't get as much press. Or brag as much." ...???
30 to 35% Irish and 30 to 35% French in Maritime Canada (NB, NS and PEI). Now, I don't know the figures for NF, but I sure met a hell of a lot if Irish Descedants when I was there. (joke alert, google "The Irish Descendants")
Brag as much? Maybe we are PROUD of our history, unlike those whose forefathers deported Cat'lics, siezed their land and belongings and gave their land to immigrant Protestants, burned their farms, put up signs like "No Irish Allowed Beyond This Point"....
Okay.... I gotta go before I get pissed off. I am Canadian Irish and French, you see, so I don't take to being pissed on.