The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1940926
Posted By: GUEST,meself
18-Jan-07 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
"Brag as much? Maybe we are PROUD of our history, unlike those whose forefathers deported Cat'lics, siezed their land and belongings and gave their land to immigrant Protestants, burned their farms, put up signs like "No Irish Allowed Beyond This Point".... "

Ouch! Hey, I was just trying to give you a little friendly ribbing, not re-open old wounds. We've talked about this on other threads; I'll be the first one to acknowledge and deplore the treatment the Acadiens received, and credit them (you) with the tremendous progress they've made in the past few generations ... So - sorry, man! I didn't mean nothin', honest!

(But surely you are not denying that there a lot of people in the Maritimes and Newfoundland of English extraction?).