The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1941223
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Jan-07 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
Hmmm...I am going to put a trace on this thread, so I can find it when we finally get to take our trip to Mova Nova Scotia! Great stuff, folks. Pleae keep sharing!

My dad always said some of our Hudsons went north from Boston as they were loyalists, but I haven't been able to trace that. I have also wondered if my great-grandmother, who was a "Fountain" born in "Upper Middlesboro" may have descended from French, too, i.e. if there once was a"La" in front of Fountain.

kat (ancestor-worshipper, well, that's what my dad called me:-)