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Thread #97979   Message #1941270
Posted By: GUEST,282RA
18-Jan-07 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
Subject: RE: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
As long as Bush is president, there are two things we count on him not to do:

1. Pull out troops.
2. Start the draft.

Either of these admit defeat. For most of us, pulling out is a simply a way of saving what we haven't yet destroyed or worn out. For Bush, though, it is admitting he couldn't finish what he started. And he doesn't have the brains for diplomacy and political intrigue. He's a stupid bully who ruled the playground with "do what I say or I'll kick your ass" and that isn't working so well anymore.

For us, starting the draft is logical since our military is collapsing in exhaustion. For Bush, it is an admission that he destroyed our volunteer army for his own self-glorification as a brave Christian crusader.

Congress surely realizes that Bush has no options open to him other than to stay the course, that he will give any subsequent "new direction" lip service about how it reflects the public desire for change but will only be more the same. It is all he can do. If he pulls troops out, he has been defeated. That simple.

He's going to keep us in Iraq until he leaves office if Congress lets him. They need to pull the plug. This new way forward has to scare a lot of republicans because they know that this is it. If tis doesn't work, we leave and the people are going to be very unhappy with the asshole who started it. And they won't be in a mood to hear how them "liberal pussies" undermined the war effort. The public voted republican in 2004 to prevent just such an occurrence. They allowed Bush to to do what he wanted unchecked, unstopped. And it failed miserably.

There is so little chance for this "new" plan to work that I think a lof of republicans are getting cold feet thinking about it. If they put their names on the line for this last ditch shot and it fails, their careers are pretty much done.

No one can be sweating more than John McCain. Here is a perfect example of someone who shot his mouth off too many times. Knowing he had to differ with Bush publicly on the war--he advocated more troops at a time when Bush seemed adamantly against the idea. Then Bush turned around and took McCain at his word in order to silence him. It worked. McCain has no choice now but to support the move and shen it fails, McCain too will be history. Apparently, Bush decided "If I'm going down, that white-haired bastard is going with me." For once, I agree with Bush about something.