The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1941386
Posted By: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill
19-Jan-07 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
"one side is a guilty as the other."

Couldn't disagree with you more, John.
That kind of talk tries to equate British Imperialism with Irish Resistance.
Apples & Oranges

One has no need to be bitter when one relates history.

One can only hope that that the message gets through that suppression and subjugation is not the way forward,
The 'Colonials' resisted, the Irish resisted, in fact everywhere one goes in the World, occupation is met with resistance.

The British have been very wrong over the aeons.
Trying to load guilt in equal measure to the peoples they occupied and used, in order to make their 'Great' Britain is ludicrous.
Resistance only comes from Occupation. It's a Cause & Effect scenario.

"England benefits from it, Scotland benefits from it and Wales benefits from it. Northern Ireland benefits from it"
You are talking about the Priviliged Classes here, I take it, Teribus?