The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1941439
Posted By: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill
19-Jan-07 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Resistance is the right of any oppressed people. And if they feel oppressed enough, they will react in due measure.
They did their share of it at the time, Keith, the old Mexicanos, with the weapons of the day.

I am not, however in the business of 'advising' anyone to do anything of a sort, Keith.
That scenario may or may not happen of itself.
I would never relish the thought, however, of anyone having to grow up the way I did, but like all forms of resistance, weapons appear only when the oppressor will not stop oppressing.