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Thread #97835   Message #1941660
Posted By: GUEST,petr
19-Jan-07 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
5 days after 9/11 Powell categorically stated that Iraq had absolutely
no involvement in the attacks? -its pretty astounding that he could make such a statement CATEGORICALLY/ Absolutely in only 5 days, knowing just how inept US intelligence was just the week before.

but despite that Cheney claimed for several years after that Atta met with an Iraqi agent in Prague - (an event denied repeatedly by Czech secret service.) but Cheney clutched to that straw for years.

btw. Teribus I see you dodged my question on cpa order 1 and 2 the disbanding of the military and deBaathification - both the Stupidest decisions of the US in Iraq that have contributed to the CHAOS now in Iraq.

BUSh & co. now make it look like a choice between a 'surge'
and total immediate withdrawal leading to utter chaos in Iraq (more Chaos that is, than already caused by Bush in choosing this war)

and it is utter baloney. Militarily 21,000 more troops is meaningless,
(you must wonder about that yourself as a military man) they had that 2 years ago and still couldnt keep order.
Second though.. Bush and his administrations ability to predict events seems to have a pretty bad record..

- wildly off the mark (wolfy- when Shinseki estimated 200-300thousand troops would be needed)
- eg. we know he has WMDs and we know where they are (Rummy)
- the war will pay for itself (Wolfy)
- there is no insurgency (Rummy)
- the insurgency is in its death throes (CHeney)