The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98159   Message #1941744
Posted By: JohnInKansas
19-Jan-07 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Email Nonsense Gems
Subject: RE: BS: Email Nonsense Gems
A few might wonder where all these little gems come from.

A brief, and non-technical explanation may be found at Red Tape Chronicles

What you are seeing is refered to as "Word Salad." The use and reasons for it are outlined in the article.

In many cases, merely opening the email is sufficient to confirm to the sender that your email address is a "working address" and assures that you will receive more of the same, which certainly explains why some of you are getting a lot of it.

I generally attempt to delete or move to bulk mail before anything that might contain crap of this kind finishes downloading. As a result I see very little of this kind of stuff, thus far. Those of you who have read them probably are stuck with receiving lots more of them, and have contributed your little part to sustaining the proliferation of spam on the internet.

Sorry, but I don't find watching criminals do their thing hilarious.
