The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1941893
Posted By: number 6
19-Jan-07 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
It is a paradox gnu .... they still celebrate Loyalist Day in June ... the Irish flags still flutter on Princess Street. I have heard Saint John has the highest Irish population per capita next to Boston ... the city still does have strong emotional ties to that city, and in some ways it resembles a small Boston.

The fire department is Irish, the police Department Loyalist, the Irish kids go to St. Malachy's, the Loyalist kids to Saint John High, The Irish vote Liberal, the Loyalist vote Conservative ... but the biggest celebration of the year in this city is St. Patricks Day, and everyone whether Irish or Loyalist are on on the streets and jammed into O'Leary's Bar.

Bottom line is ... it works, no animosity or hypocracy ... both get a long in this city and have for years.

Elsie Wayne ... I sure wish she was still Mayor ... man she kicked butt when she was, ended the corruption that infiltrated City Hall ... too bad she she couldn't cut it when she was our MP in Ottawa ... but her old ways and believes couldn't work it federal politics.
