The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98121   Message #1942079
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
19-Jan-07 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
Speaking of the connection of Boston & St John, ever hear the tune, Boston and St John by Great Big Sea? Written not too long ago. (8 years?) One thing that impresses me is the new music that keeps coming out of this region. I know so many folks have been forced into economic migration from the coast, or the ocean for that matter, but the ones who remain and the ones who remember are fiercly loyal to the region, and it's music. It's a passion you cant mistake when you hear the tunes.
The band my wife & I saw at the Dublin Pub was called "Boys next door"
Two brothers and another guy who was bassist and keyboards. I know as of last year one brother went on to seek a teaching certificate but the band was still alive. And still worth checking out I would think. They were great! Oh well have enjoyed all the input on this thread, think of myself as a Newfoundlander by Choice, have to get there someday.
Whack Fall The Day