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Thread #98182   Message #1942689
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
20-Jan-07 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Bee, It also seems self evident, wouldn't you agree?, that the existence of a separate BS section on a music oriented board, tends to the likelihood that non music topics are intended to be discussed.

As for guest Dickey, I see only the usual desperate attempt of the republican fanatic to manufacture, in the absence of solid facts, a justification for the criminal behaviour of those who are unfortunately, currently (hopefully temporarily) in control of the US of A.

"[You're full of shite LH. Do you think totalitarianisim is good? That's where Chavez is headed. Don't read the news whatever you do. It might educate you.]"

Sorry Dickey, but when you have been here for more than a few days, you will realise that LH is a well educated, well read, and intelligent member of this forum, and generally well respected too. At least he can spell totalitarianism, as well as recognise, like myself, that the country currently most rapidly proceeding in that direction is in fact the republican led US of A.

Geedubya has obviously chosen his role models rather poorly, as evidenced by many policies introduced by his government.

Adolf Hitler-
1. Scared the Germans into espousing Nazism by using the Jews as bogeymen for them to hate and fear.
2. Justified the invasion of sovereign neighbour states by horror stories of ill treatment of Germans living in those states.
3. Removed the civil rights, first of the Jews, then of all citizens under the guise of National Security.
4. Carried out the invasions of those neighbour states, thereby precipitating a world conflict.

Substitute Muslim for Jew, and WMDs for foreign bullying, Dickey! Remind you of anyone we know?

George ("I've started, so I'll finish") Bush is infinitely more dangerous to the world than the Muslim leaders. After all, we know HE HAS WMDs.

Hmmm! Maybe the rest of the world should join forces and do something about him. What d'ye think?

Don T.