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Thread #97979   Message #1942694
Posted By: 282RA
20-Jan-07 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
Subject: RE: BS: George W.'s Real New Plan
Funny that most Americans are rejecting Bush's new plan.

I know I'm a cranky sonofabitch and I know it gets on people's nerves. Hell, I get on my own nerves BUT Americans piss me off. They're rejecting Bush's plan NOW????? Well, fuck, people, where the hell were heads at in 2004 besides up your stupid asses???

You remember something, Americans--you fat, whiny, fickle, complaining, self-pitying lot of overweight morons with no brains or will power--YOU ELECTED THIS COCKSUCKER!!! YOU DID!!! YOU!!!!!!! This is not Bush's fault. THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT, YOU ASSHOLES!!

The first time you elected Bush, you could be excused since Bush got in on a bunch of electoral hocus-pocus but there is no explanation for that second time. That one goes on you and you are guilty for what's been done to Iraq. Not Bush--YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly, Americans overwhelmingly trusted Bush and Cheney and conservatives in general. They really weren't upset about the war just so long as we win. No morals. No scruples. No conscience. No brains.

NOW you don't want to play anymore. The rules are getting a bit too complicated for you. The stakes are getting to where one wrong move could cost way more than you were ever willing to invest. You were in it for the ride. Just another reason to wave your flags and sing God Bless America and feel like the whole friggin wolrd belongs to you. But once the going rough, Americans got cold feet and start wanting to bail. Now it's all Bush's fault that we're in this. Sorry but he's about 10% responsible. The other 90 goes on you people. Now after putting these assholes in place who promptly fucked it all up, you turn to the Democrats and say, "Fix it or else!" When they fail, you'll blame them and their leftwign liberal agenda. It will never occur to you that the blame is yours and yours alone. All you did in the midterms was tell the dems, "Fix what we fucked up and you better do it right." What nerve.

Americans apparently thought they were still going to win this thing in 2004 despite the mounting casualities. That the war was already known to have been built on trumped-up charges from WMD to attempts by the Hussein govt to purchase yellowcake from Nigeria to meetings in Prague with al-Qaeda operatives meant nothing to Americans. They could have cared less. Bush used all these lies to get them into a war and the public was well aware that they were lies WELL BEFORE the 2004 elections. But none of this bothered the American people in the slightest. An honest little mistake. A little bad intelligence. We were still right to invade this sovereign nation because we didn't like their leader and that gave us the right--we're the United Fucking States, for cryin' out loud! We'll kick your fuckin ass! After all, he's sitting on top of all this oil--that's not right. God's not stupid enough to allow that.

So we'll just go in and get rid of him as God obviously wants us to do and then the Iraqis will love us and prolly just want to GIVE us a bunch of oil as a great big THANK YOU!!!!!! to all us big-hearted Americans for caring about them and sacrificing so much for them. I mean, Saddam tortured them because he has no morals but we Americans are inherently moral and can't do bad things and this automatically gives us the moral high ground in this thing. We adopt kids from all over the world because we love everybody so much and anything we do is perfectly justifiable because love is everything and God is love and we're doing the will of God, the will of Love.

Oh, those Abu Ghraib photos? Oh, that? Well, what do you expect??? They're insurgents!!!! Are we to mollycoddle them? You're one these liberal earring-wearing freaks that have turned our prisons into country clubs while real Americans are homeless!! Those are our good, brave boys and girls torturing and degrading those A-rab bastards in order to keep America safe for you!!! So now you're against the job our troops are doing? It's liberal whining weenies like you who are going to lose this war for us and we're not gonna let it happen! So we're gonna vote overwhelmingly Republican!!! Nyah nyah, ya little pansy-ass anti-American pro-terrorist tax-raising liberal democrat faggots! That just pisses you off, doesn't it? Well TOO BAD!!! Because we're going to win as long as conservatives stay in charge!!!

And that is why this country looks the way it does.