The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #194316
Posted By: annamill
13-Mar-00 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
Jack, I agree that kids (people) will work hard and understand that they will be rewarded later and the trouble is worth it. When it's done with caring and love instead of derision and pain.

What the hell does a "flick" on the back of a kids head, or a(n?) "F" for not covering you book, or using you as an "example" to the other students, or pointing out how stupid you are, or how lazy you are, or that you come from a bad family, or that "Your not worth the trouble" teach but hatred of learning? (ooooohh, I'm pissed) I had one teacher go over to my son's desk in 6th grade, grab him by the hair as he was bent over to get a book out of his bag, and pull him up, grab the bag, pour the books out of his bag unto his desk, and walk away. James was out of that school and into a private school that had a wonderful teaching method before the week was out. The "teacher" called telling me how sorry he was. He was worried about his job. He had NO idea how he had affected my child's desire to learn, nor, did he care.

As I said this is one of my pet peeves. I'm sorry. I'm very emotional about this particular subject because these are our children they're messing with.

Again I have to say it's not all teachers, it's a stupid ridiculous system that doesn't allow teachers to teach.

When I see a teacher who cares and understands the process of teaching I hold that teacher in the highest regard and love. I've known a few, but not many, who have not been swallowed up by the crap.


LOVE, annap