The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69196   Message #1943694
Posted By: bubblyrat
21-Jan-07 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Vin Garbutt in Boscombe
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt in Boscombe
Dear Breezy---The last time I saw Sue Pugh she lived in Boscombe (as did I....Gloucester road , actually )or did you just mean that she originated in Wimborne ?? I didn"t know that !! Is Stilts still around ?? Come to think of it,I saw Sue a few months ago at Wallingford Bunkfest !! Cheers---Roger (used to play with BEV,mandola player, in Portman,Blue Boar,Coventry Arms,The Mount etc...) Do I know you ?? !!