The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1943911
Posted By: Ron Davies
22-Jan-07 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Do you deny that he linked Saddam to 9-11?   Yes or no?

Do you deny that he told us to imagine that the 19 hijackers were armed by Saddam?--after we'd been warned many times that Saddam had WMD? Yes or no?

Simple questions. Let's have answers.

In answer to your questions, no I was not fearful of a connection between Saddam and 9-11. Because I had read--in the Wall St Journal, of all places-- that there were many allegations Bush was making that had no evidence to back them up.

But plenty of people did buy his despicable propaganda. Somehow I think you're one--and you still believe Bush's drivel about--"if we don't fight them in Iraq, we'll fight them here."

And I'm not a knee-jerk pacifist, by the way--just somebody who thinks--you should try it sometime---and wants answers before doing something like starting a war. I----in common with most of the world-- thought the attack on the Taliban and bin Laden was totally justified. The attack on Iraq was not--and the propaganda campaign was the only way the Bush regime marshalled US public opinion behind his war.

I called the White House call-in line and warned him against it. Specifically because I foresaw what did happen---the more pictures of dead women and children broadcast on al-Jazeera, the more terrorists---all over the world.