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Thread #97949   Message #1944061
Posted By: Teribus
22-Jan-07 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
GUEST (22 Jan 07 - 02:19 AM)

I am absolutely sure that there was collusion between the Security Forces and ALL paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland to some extent or other. They were all, after all, completely riddled with informers. On the republican side they "used" the Security Forces to set up their own in order the "clean house", the Loyalists did the same. All very local and low level.

Was there collusion on the part of the British Government in the bombing of Coventry? They after all knew it was going to happen and did nothing to evacuate the people. Nothing was done, because at all costs the secrets of "Ultra" and "Enigma" had to be protected for the greater good.

"Tell us about Bobby Niarac?"

Oh yes, Captain Robert Niarac, late of the Guards and Ampleforth School. Now this slightly connects with the disappearance and treatment of Mrs Jean McConville, of whom the staunch repulicans an PIRA apologists are so reticent about. Now neither Niarac's body or Jean McConville's bodies were EVER meant to be found (There are still five such cases - the RC Church has launched an appeal for information as those who carried out these abductions and murders, the PIRA, seem to have forgotten where they buried the bodies). Jean McConvilles body was found completely by accident, the PIRA had deliberately led the authorities to the wrong area to search for her remains knowing full well that none would be found.

Now remember the time to all this is as follows:
- December 1972 Jean McConville
- 1974 Abduction of Robert Niarac
- December 1977 Strasbourg Human Rights Court Case No. 5310/71

It sort of weakens your case considerabley if you go the Humans Rights Court complaining about "inhuman and degrading treatment" if it can be clearly shown that you yourselves are actually torturing people to death. That's why the bodies were never meant to be found.

Jean McConville:
This recently widowed 5ft tall mother of 10 was abducted from her house on the 12th December, 1972, by 12 PIRA stalwarts. They dragged her from her bath (she had been viciously beaten the night before courtesy of the bold PIRA - Gerry Adams commanding) screaming in front of her terrified children, four of her abductors didn't even bother wearing masks. She was then taken across the border beaten, tortured, mutilated and shot. Her body was then dumped in an unmarked grave, with the express intention that it should never be revealed. Now those actions constitute two chargable offences as "War Crimes" - they are not covered under the terms of the GFA - and Gerry could still find his collar felt for them - That is why you will not get any PIRA discussing this case.

Unfortunately for the PIRA, Jean's body was discovered by accident. The Coroner revealed that she had been tortured, her body mutilated and finally shot. Her fingers had been cut off during her "interrogation". After having first lied to her family with some cock-and-bull story about their mother having run off with a British Soldier, the PIRA delivered three of her four rings and her purse to her eldest daughter, the message was plain, your mother is gone, she will never be coming back. I have always wondered what happened to that fourth ring, did some PIRA scumbag, given it to his mother/sister/girlfriend/wife as a Christmas present that year (1972). If they did they'd better get rid of it, that ring could come back and bite them rather badly. To justify the death the PIRA then claimed that Jean McConville was an Army informer, this charge was thoroughly investigated by the Police Ombudsman, and found to be patently false. The PIRA still adhere to this "informer" myth, because they have to, that would be the only justification that would make Jean a legitimate target under the GFA, lose that and it becomes what it undoubtedly was plain murder, and good ol' Gerry being the officer commanding would be responsible for it.

Robert Niarac: (following from a reliable source)
"Robert Niarac was NOT SAS, but a member of the FRU (Force Research Unit) The FRU gained a rather nefarious reputation when they tried to carry-out a bogus laundry service known as Four Squares; their purpose was to gather forensic evidence from clothing. Pretty smart, huh? Anyway, that FRU unit was ambushed in the Juniper Park area of Twinbrook, in Belfast in 1974. It has been widely believed that this was an operation carried out by Bobby Sand's unit. But that is mere speculation.

Niarac was born a Catholic in Northern Ireland and after joining the Army and getting into the FRU, he went deep undercover to break up IRA cells. For awhile, his plan was working. Then apparantly after having a bit much to drink with some Republicans, either someone got a bad vibe from him or he said the wrong thing. A fight broke out outside the pub. There was one IRA man present who had a pistol. I am told he later joined the INLA (I also heard that this was Dominic McGlinchey, but who knows?) Niarac was beated pretty badly by a gang of Republicans, mostly teenagers and he was then bundled into a car to be taken for interrogation.

The IRA attempted for several hours to interrogate him, promising medical help if he complied. Niarac never said a word. In fact, one of the Provos present admitted "He was a damned fine soilder; he told us nothing. He was a very brave man." Niarac later died from internal injuries due to the excessive beating he recieved outside the pub.

His body was then given to a group of three or four men not in the IRA. The injuries he sustained were in fact so horrendous, the group were too afraid to leave his body at a hospital and he was instead taken across the border to Dundalk where one of the men had an uncle who operated a sausage factory. Niarac's body was then ground up in a sausage grinder and fed to pigs.

How true this is, I don't know. I have been told this same story by several reliable people and this seems to be the "offical" word on his fate.

Strasbourg Case No. 5310/71:
In December 1977, the court ruled that the government of the United Kingdom was guilty of "inhuman and degrading treatment", of men interned without trial, by the court, following a case brought by the Republic of Ireland (Case No. 5310/71). The court found that while their internment was a violation of the convention rights, it was justifiable in the circumstances; it however ruled that the practice of the five techniques and the practice of beating prisoners constituted inhumane and degrading punishment in violation of the convention, although not torture.

Now at the time the Republic of Ireland would have been pretty reluctant to bring this case if they'd viewed Jean McConvilles body, and it would not have been the great propaganda victory for the PIRA if it could have been demonstrated in very graphic terms what they were practicing and continued to practice to date (The punishment beatings still go on).