The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1944187
Posted By: Teribus
22-Jan-07 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
"...four of her abductors didn't even bother wearing masks..." Your point being, er, WHAT, Teribus?

The point being Fionn - Is that Jean's eldest daughter has seen at last four of her mothers abductors and can possibly identify them.

As to collusion between paramilitaries and the Security Forces/RUC, I believe I made it perfectly clear that such a thing would not surprise me in the least, considering how far these groups had be infiltrated.

Far from being facile retaliation, Peter, I feel as anxious to know the truth about the circumstances of Jean McConville's death as others on this forum seem to be about those guilty of colluding with paramilitaries. I want the truth to be known about those who authorised the abduction, torture and murder of Jean McConville, I would dearly like to see them brought to book for it. The same goes for those who killed fourteen year old Kathleen Feeney, then blamed the British Army for it, they even murdered a British soldier in "relatiation" for a murder that they committed, and those who attacked and killed Mr. McCartney.

Robert McCartney, who may or may have not made a remark about a female friend of the lying, killing, thieving, sub-human Provos in a Belfast pub. They took him outside, slit his throat like swine in the slaughterhouse. Then they stepped through the blood, went back in the pub, locked the door, and swore their countrymen and women to secrecy in the name of Irish republicanism.

But the secrecy didn't hold. Robert McCartney had sisters, five to be exact, and as the world knows, courage lives in the hearts of Irishwomen. They talked. They named names. They called out Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness for the Arafat-like liars and cowards that they are.

The Daily Mail named the following men as three of the four men, all acknowledged members of the Belfast Brigade, whom the PIRA offered to shoot in retailation for the murder of Robert MacCartney:

Jim "Dim" McCormack, aged about 42, is the Officer Commanding of the Belfast Brigade of the PIRA.

Gerard "Jock" Davison, 41, is a current and senior member of the Belfast Brigade, and its former O.C.

Gerard Montgomery, is also a long standing PIRA member, and has acted as a bodyguard to both Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness.

All three men have close ties with Gerry Adams.

OK Peter K, let's hear the hue and cry for an inquiry into that from supporters of the republican cause. After all what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. But then again maybe denounciation, knee-capping, punishment beatings and murder are the forms of law and order that the people of Northern Ireland must get accustomed to, the PIRA are well versed in that sort of thing and have been meeting it out for the best part of five decades now. They are collectively the greatest child abusers in the UK according to one study to do with violence against children in the age group 0-16.