The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1944359
Posted By: bubblyrat
22-Jan-07 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
The Americans absolutely HATED the British Empire, partly because of the former British colonial prescence in the US,and partly because of competition in world trade.At around the beginning of WW2 ,in fact, the US was all set to invade Canada !! The plans were drawn up, the troops on standby, everything !! If it wasn"t for the war, they would have gone ahead,too !! Why do you think the US stayed out of the war for so long ?? To give the Germans a chance to mess up the British Empire,that"s why !!!Many Americans still hate Britain even today----In New York schools,I believe,they actually teach young children that British biologists created the fungus that wiped out the potato crop in Ireland ,as a form of biological warfare against the Irish people !! Why aren"t the people who peddle this garbage arrested for hate-crimes ?? Or,God forbid,do they ACTUALLY believe it ??? I always thought that the Americans loved Democracy ?? So why support the most ANTI-DEMOCRATIC organisation the world has ever seen----The IRA ?????