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Thread #97949   Message #1944466
Posted By: ard mhacha
22-Jan-07 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Keith back in the eye of the present troubles Sinn Fein`s vote was as strong then as it is now.
The collusion issue long denied by Sir Ronnie Flanagan Head Constable of the RUC is at last being exposed, despite the fact that many police refused to help in the inquiry and disposed of most of the evidence dealing with collusion.
The Special Branch and their UVY killers were in the pay of the British Government, after all the RUC weren`t paying them out of their own pocket.
Collusion was rife throughout the six counties, mid-Ulster was the hot-bed for collusion, week after week the Sunday World newspaper has printed the names of the killers of their reporter Martin O`Hagan, the paper has never had a writ served on it, they name the local LVF as the killers and they also hint that this breakaway branch of the UVF as being in collusion with the Special Branch.

Collusion with the Police and the Loyalist paramilitaries has been going on from the start of the present conflict, it comes as no surprise to the people here.
You can view the video content of the report Google,