The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1944493
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jan-07 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
"I think the money involved in election campaigns is corrupting the election process and the functioning of government."

And you are so right! See, we actually agree about a lot of things, Dickey, despite the fact that I'm not a "conservative". I think these labels, "liberal" and "conservative", at least as they are being used in the USA these days, are leading people badly astray and creating a useless controversy.

It's true that some people are irresponsible and will squander any amount of money if given the chance, while others are frugal and hard-working and will do well if given the chance. That, again, is clear to both "liberals" and "conservatives" most of the time. I think that people's upbringing when they are children is vital to shaping their tendencies to use money wisely or foolishly...but perhaps in some cases it's an innate tendency of some kind that's in the person regardless.

Immigrants from poor countries tend to work a lot harder because they had to deal more with hard realities while they were growing up and they're not so spoiled as North Americans. They are prepared to suffer in order to get ahead. People who are not prepared to suffer don't accomplish much.

The same is true of someone learning to play a musical instrument. It takes hard work to get really good at it.