The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98302   Message #1944806
Posted By: Stewart
22-Jan-07 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: Importance of Melody in Song
Subject: Importance of Melody in Song
Singer songwriters often get a bad rap because of their navel-centric lyrics. But when I listen to some of their songs, even those whose lyrics are imaginative and interesting, I am often underwhelmed by the melodies (or lack thereof). I'm afraid I would never recognize the song by its melody alone. The melody should enhance the character of the song, whether it be uplifting or sad or funny. A good song should at least leave me humming the tune.

I'm developing a workshop on "Irish Slow Airs in Songs" for Rainy Camp and possibly for NW Folklife Festival – slow airs derived from songs and the use of slow airs as melodies for songs. This has got me to think about song melodies. Here are a few questions I'd like to explore.

Are melodies important? What makes a good melody? Where do melodies come from? Can anyone write a melody, or does it take a trained musician? What is the value of recycling old melodies versus writing new melodies? Are there changing styles in melodies? How do you go about writing a tune?

Cheers, S. in Seattle