The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1945004
Posted By: GUEST,Dickey
22-Jan-07 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Saddam Hussein was democratically elected so I guess you would be equally willing to move there or Venezuela.

I don't recall my government telling me anything about affairs in Venezuela or Nicaragua. My government does not own the TV and radio stations like the Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan Iranian North Korean and Saddam governments.

Unlike those countries where the Media have to tow the government line or be swatted like flies, the American media is free to bash the government which is all the fashion right now. Do you think that might have some bearing on the situatuion?

What does the Canadian media have to say about your government? All good I hope. Otherwise it would seem like Venezuela, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Nicaragua, Iran and Saddam's Iraq are superior to Canada.

Suppose that someone in the Canadian government objected to something going on in the US and George Bush said Go to hell Canada. Wouldn't that be cute? Would it bring you over to the American side and make you hate your government?