The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19193   Message #194505
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Mar-00 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Big Mick is back!!
Subject: RE: BS: Big Mick is back!!
Forget it Praise, he's a complete asshole. He worships the Fair One (that's alison) and yet the best he can pick up is the big, brawny Koko, the hairy one. He fancies that he cuts quite a path thru the ladies, but how many girls can you pick up in a thong? Well, possibly quite a few with the proper endowments, so to speak, but in Mick's case........well, its a small case. Mick felt he needed a little support in that department since his genitals were once descibed as resembling a pair of dessicated mushrooms bolstering a half-eaten cocktail wienie. So......he stuffed his thong with a potato. This would have attracted a lot of ladies if the dumb mick had put the potato in the FRONT......As it was, he looked a lot like Lassie with one caught crosswise.

As for Seed......yeah, that's about it. He's now playing some with a group which is his second stab at the big time. His first was as a promoter where he booked a number of acts including Dave Swan, "The Great El Swanno." Seed elected to have El Swanno open the show and ended up refunding a lot of money and becoming involved in several lawsuits. Dave's act at that time consisted of climbing to the top of a 90 foot tower dressed in half a gorilla suit and fishnets. He leaped from the tower, did a jackknife into his "Swan" dive. At the apex of the jackknife, he lit a fart and rocketed into a fireman's helmet 90 foot below filled with lime jello. The resulting chaos caused a few to faint, two to go into cardiac arrest, and several dozen spectators were treated for exposure to toxic gases.

So before you go too nuts over these two, have a care. The fact that they tolerate me should tell you something of the dubious nature of their characters.
