The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1945141
Posted By: Teribus
23-Jan-07 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Peter K Your question:

"...four of her abductors didn't even bother wearing masks..." Your point being, er, WHAT, Teribus?"

The original passage the quote in the question came from:

"This recently widowed 5ft tall mother of 10 was abducted from her house on the 12th December, 1972, by 12 PIRA stalwarts. They dragged her from her bath (she had been viciously beaten the night before courtesy of the bold PIRA - Gerry Adams commanding) screaming in front of her terrified children, four of her abductors didn't even bother wearing masks. She was then taken across the border beaten, tortured, mutilated and shot."

My answer to your question:

"The point being Fionn - Is that Jean's eldest daughter has seen at least four of her mothers abductors and can possibly identify them."

In fact Peter, should you ever ask Helen, and Seamus, her husband, she has seen one of the people who abducted her mother while shopping in Belfast. Like the ring, the presence of these four people who can be identified, may yet come back to roost. Remember that this kidnapping and murder are still open investigations, people can still be arrested, tried and convicted - that includes those who authorised and sanctioned the "operation". The Police Ombudsman is being hailed as the font of all truth and wisdom with regard to Security Forces/RUC collusion, but for some reason when she investigates extensively as to whether or not Jean McConville was an informer and takes the unprecedented step of categorically stating that she was not, SF mouthpieces denounce such inquiries as bogus.

You asked why I mentioned that aspect of Jean's abduction and I believe that I have explained it. If you do not like the answer Fionn all well and good, that is no skin off my nose, however can you tell me why you think that I am lying in my answer, and share with us what point you thought I was trying to make?