The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98291   Message #1945192
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
23-Jan-07 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: Hearing your own voice recorded
Subject: RE: Hearing your own voice recorded
I hate hearing my recorded self sing solo. I sound like a 6yr old. In my head, when I'm actually singing, it's a reasonably pleasant mezzo range that has been described as 'rich and fruity'... so I'm not the only one hearing that; why do I sound like a small boy when recorded solo?

In group recordings, even though I'm not trying to outsing everyone else there, I can always pick myself out of the crowd, as can my friends and those who hear me sing often. When I AM trying to outsing everyone else, what I remember as being full bodied and well supported, comes across as quite thin and reedy. Weird, the things your head does isn't it.

I've been recorded professionally (by the BBC no less!) singing in group and speaking solo, but never recorded singing solo. It would be interesting (and one of my life-list ambitions) to have a professional recording of me singing solo....