The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98289   Message #1945236
Posted By: treewind
23-Jan-07 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Ceilidh Callers intructions? Confusions
Subject: RE: Ceilidh Callers intructions? Confusions
My favourite gripe: abuse of radio mics, especially headsets.
It's useful to be able to get down on the floor and sort things out when a set's really in trouble. But too often the caller stays there,
and can't see what's going on except on the set in front of them. During walk though they can't see if another set isn't getting it, and during the dance they can get dragged behind the music focusing on a slow set and fail to give timely clues to the rest of the room.

From the band's point of view, you can't communicate with the caller when they're down there either.

I used to get really angry with one who used to join in with half the dances!
