The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98307   Message #1945395
Posted By: Dave Masterson
23-Jan-07 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Cancer and Capitalism
Subject: RE: Cancer and Capitalism
Thanks McGrath for bringing this to our attention.

"Encouraging" is certainly the word, and surely this is what we should all be doing. Post this on every forum/newsgroup you know, email all your friends/acquaintances, write to your local paper, write to your MP/Senator/whatever (they're not all bent) asking if they are aware of this drug and whether they would support further research.

If the drug is such a potential panacea at such a low cost, of course the big drug cartels will try to smother it. I remember years ago hearing of a researcher following a particular dietary line of cancer prevention (Vitamin B17 deficiency, I think). He was told if he continued in this direction he would lose his bursary… surprise, surprise. As far as 'they' are concerned if there's no profit in it, we can all die.

If you visit your local high street or shopping mall right now and ask most of the folks there if they have heard of this development, I reckon most would have not, so the more publicity it gets the better.

Despite terrorism and global warming, cancer is probably still the public's worst fear. If they think the possibility of a cancer-free future is being jeopardised by the fat cats in the pharmaceutical industry, the row will be heard in heaven. And don't let the prophets of doom tell you otherwise! As the old proverb says:

"All it needs for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."

By the way, a Google search for "A world without cancer" throws up some interesting stuff regarding the B17 deficiency argument.