The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97733   Message #1946543
Posted By: Wolfgang
24-Jan-07 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
Here's my advice. It's a pill (which is not a sleeping pill) and it sometimes can do wonders in apnea cases.

The German name is Remergil (most likely not the American name) and the ingredient that is the active agent in it is Mirtazapin (allow for slighly different spelling in English).

It is a weak anti-depressive pill and it has an interesting side effect. It suppresses effectively some symptoms (like breath stops etc) of apnea. That's not yet well known. And it has a rare dose-effect relation. The apnea suppressing side effect is strong with a small dosis. The smallest pill (15 mg) should suffice.
