The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97949   Message #1946823
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
24-Jan-07 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: USA and the brits in Northern Ireland
'A United Ireland is just around the corner. You know it and I know it.'

actually now you mention it - I'm not too sure.

AND there was plenty of shit flying round above the radar, below it and all points in between. there are people on both sides who regard any kind of reconciliation as some sort of sell out. Really shit attitudes.

Why don't you modify your ambitions to just getting rid of the English army of Irish soil. A complete split between England and Northern Ireland. negotiate that corner first.

Then try and make yourselves more cuddly to each other. who knows you may get to envisage a United ireland, not just based on the idea that 'my side wins!'