The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1946967
Posted By: GUEST,Sage
24-Jan-07 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
I reckon that the reason that Seth Lakeman gets played a lot on the radio is threefold: he is talented, young and popular!

I've been very depressed at the amount of negativity Seth has been getting. He might not be to your taste but he is to mine! He's a fine songwriter of folk songs and an exhilarating live performer. As to his vocal style, at least he makes a change from all those old farts who sing down their noses!

Yes, there are many quality musicians and singers who don't get played on the radio but let's face it, mainsream radio has always been a lottery. That's why things like Radio Britfolk etc are so vital. If Mr Lakeman can turn a few ears toward folk music and get people exploring when they were once dismissive then he is doing an important job. Long mayhe flourish!