The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1947361
Posted By: Teribus
25-Jan-07 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Guest Dickey,

You have no doubt by now realised that Ron tends to read more into things than is actually stated, things that in fact do not exist. He is a master at putting words into peoples mouths then takes them to task for things that have not actually said. By his own admission he does not read, or listen to, what the President says but relies on second-hand reports of what has been said.

Of the various questions asked:
dianavan - 22 Jan 07 - 07:58 PM

"If the Iraqi parliament decides that they do not want more U.S. troops and that they want the U.S. to begin withdrawing the forces already employed, what do you think George should do?"

Under the terms of the UN Mandate and the agreement with the Iraqi Government if the above happened MNF Troops would leave Iraq. That has been stated clearly many times by the President and members of his Administration.

Dianavan's other questions:

1. Do you think Bush lied to the American public and Congress about WMD's in Iraq?

No, he most definitely did not, the basis for stating that Iraq possessed WMD's came from UNSCOM's Report of 19th January 1999 to the Security Council of the United Nations - That is a matter of record

2. Do you think Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Sr.?

I do not know.

3. Do you think that Iraq is more livable today than it was 5 years ago?

Define "livable", one thing is for certain though, Iraqi's today are living in a situation that will continually and consistantly improve over the coming years. Had Saddam been left in place there would have been a second Iran/Iraq War in prospect within the next two years, there is absolutely no way that Saddam Hussein would permit Iran to have nuclear power, let alone nuclear weapons.

4. Who do you think should repair the infrastructure?

We all should, MNF partners, the Iraqi Government and it's major trading partners, you're not going to get money from anybody else. With that programme underway some will recognise it for what it is - pro-active engagement - you dianavan will call it US Imperialist meddling.

5. Do you think Saddam was involved in 911?

Categoric No.

6. Do you think Bush will leave the Middle East when Iraq tells them to go home or will he just move his troops elsewhere?

When told to leave Iraq the MNF troops will do just that. Where those troops are then deployed, I haven't got a clue and neither have you. Personally I would like to see the MNF deployed to the Sudan to sort the mess in Darfur out. One thing is for certain the United Nations is going to do nothing about it.

As for Ron's questions, I believe that Guest Dickey has answered them, unfortunately Ron did not like the answers.