The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98366   Message #1947552
Posted By: Man of Cow Hollow
25-Jan-07 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: a few old June Appal titles now digital
Subject: RE: a few old June Appal titles now digital
Dale, I understand what you are saying about the cost and lack of cover art and album notes. This is June Appal's first step into the digital arena, and the fine tuning will happen as we figure out the technology and work flow. To be quite honest, we are an extremely under resourced outfit - and are doing the best we can. The fact that we can offer this now and have it available on the internet was a huge thing for us, rather than try to raise funding for the CD work and release, which likely just wouldn't happen period. So ... we'll keep working on getting the higher quality download and cover art up in the future. In the meantime, we are grateful for your input. Thanks.