The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98381   Message #1947617
Posted By: Bee
25-Jan-07 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS - Reeducation Camps
Subject: RE: BS - Reeducation Camps
I don't think 'we' are requiring the dog and pony show. I think publicists/agents/advisors saw that when a star got out of hand and caught with drugs and other bad behaviour, sending them to rehab got the courts off their backs sooner and got them back into moneymaking quicker. It also at one time (remember Betty Ford?)made them seem more like 'one of us', as in not perfect.

Now, the same set of professional 'starmakers' is trying to spin that set of perceptions into 're-educating' idiots who also happen to be moneymaking stars. I don't think anyone is fooled by this trend, and that's all I think it is, a trend that will not work and will end soon, because it won't work. I still think all of the above mentioned stars are bigoted idiots who got caught out, and are just spinning like mad to keep their careers afloat.

I do not see this as a forboding trend with regard to the general public. It's just an ugly side of showbiz.