The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98381   Message #1947658
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
25-Jan-07 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS - Reeducation Camps
Subject: RE: BS - Reeducation Camps
Bee you are partially correct. Publicists may make the decision to put stars in rehab, and may have them genuflect to GLAD or the ADL or some spokesman for other communities, and that is because a spokesman like Al Sharpton or Abe Foxman insert themselves into the problem. My whole point is that a person cannot quietly atone for his or her spoken transgression.
The stars are the tip of the iceberg in this trend. It has been going on for years in government workplaces, and in private industry. I cannot tell you how many 'sensitivity training' sessions I have been
in--sometimes as a facilitator--during my years in HR departments, and that was over 30 years ago! And still they go on.
My test for bigotry--and it is only my test--is how a person treats another person, not what s/he says about them. In fact, I would rather be with a person who occasionally makes a slip of the tongue, but otherwise treats people well, than a smarmy, mealymouthed person who says the right thing, but does the wrong thing.