The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1947717
Posted By: Folkiedave
25-Jan-07 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
What a shame Lizzie, that you seem to be unable to read previous posts without jumping into a thread with both feet.

Virtually all the posts on this subject praise Seth. Even if they don't very few, if any, have a word to say against him. Certainly not me.

Now Lizzie tell me, do you think any song you like can be described as Trad. and then reach the final of the Folk Awards in the "traditional track" category?

If you had bothered to read the posts you would have read that the category for which Seth's song is for a new recording of a traditional song. Which the White Hare isn't. The White Hare as recorded by Martin Carthy, Joseph Taylor, the Watersons and others, is a completely different song.

Had Seth recorded that song in a different version there would have been no complaint. Had his song been in the "contemporary track" category there would have been no complaints. And in answer to "why it matters" it has been said a dozen times on this and loads of other threads and message boards. Go read.

Are you really over 50 years of age? You are wearing very well. Very well.