The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1947806
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
25-Jan-07 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
Well actually there were a people who said not very nice things about the boy Lakeman.
But it was a minority sort of a thing.
I to used to go to the local folk club in the 70's and enjoyed it very much especially singers night.
Have recently recieved a flyer from said club stating that if attendances dont improve it will be closing.
We and a lot of our freinds could go to this folk club and presumably it would carry on.
But the half dozen times we have persuaded others like us who wili get up and sing or play, to go along the tradies have made it very obvious that we are not welcome.
In fact the main person who seems to organise everything was very dismissive of my own efforts as "oh its not traditional then" when she questioned me about one of my own compositions.
Funny but before she stuck her oar in I had avery good reception for the song and a few were joining in.
The arguement about the folk awards I can see has a point,as does anything were the rules are bent to fit a hidden agenda.
If you insist that historical tunes and songs are worth saving or reviving feel free.
If you want to be the folk monitors and lay down your own criteria for what is or isnt trad feel free.
I write folk songs,I sing and play them and others want to do the same.
Keep up your high standards and anal squabling and there will be no where left to play the music either the dusty dead mechaically recovered stuff or the stuff people will actually listen too.
As I have said before on t'other threads will the last one to leave please turn out the lights!