The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1948283
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Jan-07 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Dickey--the propaganda campaign was from about summer 2002 to the actual invasion--in March 2003. I wonder why. Perhaps because it was a campaign to to persuade the US public to back Bush's invasion. So once the public, having bought the snake oil the Bush regime was selling,   let said regime cow Congress into using whatever force Bush felt was necessary--and the invasion had occurred, the campaign was ipso facto successful---and therefore over. They had in fact achieved their goal of convincing the public to back the invasion they had planned.


Therefore your August 2003 poll is not germane. So your conclusion fails. Situation normal.

However, congratulations, you have mastered "blue clicky" technology.

"Would you say that their statements (Bush et al.) that there was no connection constitute one quote DURING THAT PERIOD to the contrary?"

Well, let's see. The period in question, as I've mentioned more than once---and it still does not seem to have penetrated your skull-- is summer 2002 to March 2003.
Precisely which statement--during that period--do you think constitutes a clear declaration by the Bush regime that there was no connection between Saddam and 9-11?

Please give the direct quote--specifying your source, the speaker, the date and the occasion.

So far you have favored us with a wealth--of irrelevancies---most outside the period in question and none meeting the criteria.

Perhaps you're still confused.

Try again.

Keep in mind it may not be easy--possibly since quotes meeting the above criteria don't exist.

Remember it has to be:
1) clear
2) a statement by a Bush spokesman disavowing any link between Saddam and 9-11, and 3) within the period in question.

But thanks so much for trying.

And have fun.