The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1948390
Posted By: Folkiedave
26-Jan-07 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
How dare you!?

I have written dozens of letters, press releases and appeared on local radio and newspapers highlighting the issue of licensing.

As a protagonist in the Licensing Debate, I succeeded in persuading Sheffield City Council to license the whole of the streets of Sheffield - as bounded by the Inner Ring Road - licensed for public entertainment. Saved individual groups including traditional dance groups the problem of licensing.

In Sheffield, carols are regarded as religious services around Christmas time. This now allows a tradition to go ahead without hindrance. This was the result of "folkies" pressing the local council.

How on earth do you think the permission for Morris dancers was put into the Act? We may not have succeeded in everything but don't accuse people of not trying.

I'm turning my attention to people who can't be bothered to read what people have written next. The campaign starts here!!