The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1948428
Posted By: Teribus
26-Jan-07 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Riginslinger - 25 Jan 07 - 10:08 PM

"...the Ayatollah Khomeini campaigned to get Ronald Reagan elected, American voters fell for it, and we've been totally subservent to the Middle East ever since."

So subservient that you get less than 25% of daily oil consumption from the region, the vast bulk of that 25% coming from Saudi Arabia. I liked the bit about Ayatollah Khomeni campaigning for Ronald Reagan, that gave me a good laugh. Post-1973, the US and the West in general started looking elsewhere for their oil requirements. All this oil that the US is in Iraq supposedly "stealing", to all intent and purpose Iraq disappeared from the international oil export scene sixteen years ago, its absence was not even noticed.

If the United States of America wants to become less reliant on foreign oil, it is the population of the USA that has to change their ways, not the US Government. The latter may be able to give a lead and show the way, but it is only the people that can implement the change and bring it into effect.