The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90399   Message #1948612
Posted By: Tweed
26-Jan-07 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Subject: RE: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
When will you guys ever realize there are separate realities that Black people and White people walk in? What seems innocuous to European-Americans is viewed differently from the African-American perspective.
Azizi has every right in the world to not sing or teach the song if it offends her.

And there's a lot wrong with having to pick cotton for a living, and getting cheated and lied to, being kept out of school so that it's easier to cheat and lie to you. Breaking your back and watching your wife and kids out there breaking their backs and screwing up their fingers and hands pulling cotton and hoping the guy at the gin won't rip you off too much when you take it to sell.

O what happy times they must have been! Something to rejoice about...right??

And I ain't being PC as that is not my nature. I'm just walkin' in someone else's shoes.
