The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98444   Message #1949410
Posted By: dianavan
27-Jan-07 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Subject: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Finally, the Canadian government has admitted it made a mistake when it helped the U.S. to send an innocent citizen to Syria to be tortured. Maher Arar has been given an apology and a compensation package in the millions.

Arar remains on the U.S. 'watch list' and the Canadian Prime Minister wants him removed. Arar is suing the U.S. govt. but states that nothing will ever repair his life.

Hats off to his wife who led the battle to free her husband and convince the government that he was innocent. It must have been a daunting task for such a young mother.

Harpers finest hour -

"Now I understand that the United States has requested that Canada not push the United States to amend its records for Mr. Arar.

Canada fully understands, appreciates and shares the United States' concerns about security.

However, this government – the government of Canada – has every right to go to bat for one of its citizens when the government believes a Canadian is being unfairly treated by another country."