The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98417   Message #1949646
Posted By: Schantieman
27-Jan-07 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Sailing routes to Botany Bay
Subject: RE: Sailing routes to Botany Bay
What Barry said.

Sailing ships could only make limited progress to windward (no nearer than about five points (56 degrees) or so) and what with leeway would make scarcely any ground upwind, especially in heavy weather. So rounding the Horn E to W was a bit of a feat unless you were lucky and found a lull or even (rare) an easterly. There are even cases, I believe, of masters who'd tried it, been beaten back and went the other way round to get to the Pacific.

We tend to forget in these days of high-aspect rigs and high pointing angles (as close as 30 degrees) the sailing to windward is hard work!
