The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1950325
Posted By: Riginslinger
28-Jan-07 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Stigweard, I must have stated it badly. No, I don't think many people fear terrorists crossing the southern border. But the poor people crossing there, I think, are a bigger threat to the planet, in the long run, than the terrorists.

       I would probably feel differently about it if the populations in the countries they are coming from was going down.

       It's not.

       We have people migrating from places that are hopelessly over crowded, to places that are not-quite-yet overcrowed. That's the problem.

       The Neo-Cons, depending on how you describe them, are perfectly happy to allow this migration to continue. Human life is perfectly expendable to them. They welcome Latino Immigrants into the armed services. In fact, a number of the recruits are coming from that segment of the population at this point in time.
       I don't think you can talk too much about Neo-Cons without getting into the welfare of Israel, however, so I won't go on with this.

       And I agree with you completely. Economic migration is probably the biggest concern of the Western World, now and into the future, and probably the entire world as events move forward.

       Compassion, it seems to me, could best be put into play by helping under-developed nations improve conditions at home, so the most talented members of their societies are not encouraged to leave.