The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98307   Message #1950423
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
28-Jan-07 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Cancer and Capitalism
Subject: RE: Cancer and Capitalism
I'd guess that in this case the research and testing will get, in the end done, since cancer is involved, and that affects the powerful and the rich as well the weak and poor. But it helps to illustrate how the drug business is structured in ways that are far from satusfactory, and undoubtedly have damaging consequences.

I'm still puzzled by the general media inattention to this bit of research, though - this isn't a case of a nutty "invebntor" with a perpetual motion machine, or even of some way out observation like the cold fusion hoohah. It sounds like well-grounded research from a reputable source with a plausible theoretical basis.